New Year, New Resolutions: How College-Bound High Schoolers Can Make 2024 Count

As the new year approaches, it's the perfect time for college-bound high school students to reflect on their journey and set resolutions for a successful 2024. Amidst the challenges of the past years, it's essential to acknowledge your resilience and achievements. The following suggested resolutions aim to guide you in making the most of your high school experience and preparing for the college admissions process.

Get and Stay Organized

  • Develop a system to declutter your physical and virtual space.

  • Create organizational systems that suit your lifestyle, ensuring a continuous effort towards simplicity.

Don't Procrastinate

  • Understand the reasons behind procrastination and work on overcoming them.

  • Make a plan, eliminate distractions, and reward yourself for completing tasks promptly.

Craft an Academic Plan

  • Consult with parents, teachers, and counselors to plan courses aligned with your desired major or career path.

  • Seek insights from mentors and stay updated on industry news relevant to your field of interest.

Start Thinking About College Early but Not Too Early

  • Research colleges and explore potential majors or career paths starting from sophomore or junior year.

  • Attend college fairs, visit campuses, and engage with admission counselors to gain insights into your preferences.

Use Passions to Make an Impact

  • Volunteer for organizations aligned with your interests.

  • Support causes important to you through collecting donations, raising awareness, or engaging in community service.

Demonstrate Leadership and Involvement

  • Take on leadership roles within your activities, such as club president or team captain.

  • Engage in competitions or ambitious projects related to your passions, showcasing commitment and initiative.

Avoid Spreading Yourself Too Thin

  • Focus on a few activities and excel in them, emphasizing quality over quantity.

  • Prioritize involvement that allows for growth, leadership, and meaningful contributions.

    Show Confidence in Yourself

  • Recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.

  • Avoid comparing yourself to others and focus on your personal growth and goals.

Create a System for College Admissions

  • Establish a calendar or spreadsheet to track application deadlines, scholarship applications, and test dates.

  • Stay informed and organized to alleviate stress during the competitive college admissions process.

Express Gratitude and Live in the Moment

  • Thank those who support you, fostering positive relationships.

  • Take time to appreciate the present, avoiding excessive worry about the past or future.

Remember, college admissions decisions do not define your worth. Embrace the journey, stay positive, and step into 2024 with confidence. As you set and pursue these resolutions, you'll not only enhance your high school experience but also lay a strong foundation for your future success. 

Happy New Year!

If you are looking for support to help your child conquer the admissions process in a stress-free and productive way, contact North Shore College Consulting today to learn more about our one-on-one, individual college consulting packages


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