How to Successfully Search For and Obtain College Scholarships

Looking to supplement your college tuition with scholarship money but don’t know where to start? Read on to learn how to discover scholarship opportunities and successfully apply for and obtain scholarship dollars to help offset your college tuition. 

Merit Aid vs. Need-Based Aid

The first step is understanding the difference between scholarships and need-based financial aid. Financial aid and merit aid are two different types of assistance that can help students pay for their education. Merit aid is awarded based on a student's academic or other achievements, such as high grades, test scores, or participation in extracurricular activities. This type of aid is typically in the form of scholarships, which are awarded by colleges, organizations, or private donors. Unlike financial aid, merit aid does not require students to demonstrate financial need to receive it, and unlike student or parent loans, merit aid does not need to be repaid. In other words, merit aid is free money.

Need-based financial aid, on the other hand, is awarded to students who demonstrate a financial need, as determined by the college's financial aid office. This type of aid can include grants, loans, and work-study programs, which are awarded by the federal government, state governments, colleges, and private organizations. Financial aid is typically awarded based on information provided in the student's Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) (and CSS Profile if applicable), which assesses the student's ability to pay for college.

While you do not need to have financial need to receive merit aid, you may still be eligible for other forms of financial aid in addition to scholarships, such as grants or loans, if you demonstrate financial need. To learn more about the types of financial aid available at a particular college, you can contact the college's financial aid office or visit their website.

College Scholarships

Colleges often give scholarships to students who demonstrate academic or other achievements or meet certain criteria. Scholarships are typically awarded based on merit, and they are designed to help students pay for their education. Some colleges will automatically consider all applicants for merit-based scholarships, such as academic achievement, extracurricular activities, or leadership potential. These scholarships may be awarded based on the information provided in the student's application for admission without the need for a separate scholarship application.

However, some colleges require students to apply for scholarships separate from the application for admission. Colleges may offer these scholarships for a variety of reasons, including high academic achievement, as measured by grades, test scores, or other factors; participation in extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs, or community service;  financial need, as determined by the college's financial aid office; or other personal characteristics, such as race, gender, or background.

To apply for these scholarships, students often need to complete a separate scholarship application and provide additional information, such as financial information, letters of recommendation, or essays. Colleges may also offer scholarships that are sponsored by outside organizations, such as businesses, foundations, or government agencies. These scholarships may have different eligibility criteria and application requirements. 

How to Find Other Scholarships

There are many places to find scholarships from individuals, organizations, or other private donors that align with your personal characteristics, interests, and qualifications.

Search online for scholarships using a search engine like Google. There are also many reputable websites that can help you search for scholarships and find opportunities that are a good fit for you. Some of the best scholarship websites include: 

  • This website allows you to search for scholarships based on various criteria, such as your field of study, location, or personal characteristics. It also provides resources and tips to help you with the scholarship application process.

  • This website is a comprehensive scholarship search engine that allows you to find scholarships based on your interests, goals, and background. It also offers advice and tools to help you manage your scholarship applications and track your progress.

  • This website offers a scholarship search tool that allows you to find scholarships based on your interests, grades, and other criteria. It also provides information about colleges and universities, and it allows you to connect with other students who are also searching for scholarships.

  • BigFuture: This website, which is run by the College Board, offers a scholarship search tool that allows you to find scholarships based on your interests, grades, and other factors. It also provides information about college planning and financial aid, and it offers tools and resources to help you with the college application process.

  • Over the years, Chegg has expanded from its humble beginnings as an online textbook store to become a well-rounded education resource. It acquired scholarship match service Zinch in 2011 and now hosts scholarships totaling over $1 billion.

In addition to searching for scholarships on websites, there are several other places where you can find scholarship opportunities. Check with your high school guidance counselor or college financial aid office. They may have information on scholarships that are available to students in your area or who are attending your school. They can also provide advice and guidance on the scholarship application process. 

You can also check with companies and organizations in your community. Many businesses and organizations offer scholarships to students who are pursuing a specific field of study or who meet certain criteria. You can search for these scholarships on the websites of the companies or organizations, or you can contact them directly to ask about scholarship opportunities.

Consider applying for scholarships offered by organizations that are related to your interests, hobbies, or background. For example, if you are a member of a particular ethnic group, you may be eligible for scholarships offered by organizations that serve that community.

Professional organizations in your field of study often offer scholarships to future undergraduates. If you are pursuing a specific field of study, such as engineering, nursing, or business, there may be professional organizations in your field that offer scholarships to students. You can search for these organizations online and contact them to inquire about scholarship opportunities.

Don’t forget about your state's department of education. They may offer scholarships or grants to students who are residents of the state and who are pursuing a specific field of study or meeting certain criteria. You can search for these scholarships on the department of education's website, or you can contact them directly to ask about scholarship opportunities.

By using these websites and resources, you can find a wide range of scholarship opportunities and increase your chances of finding and obtaining the funding you need to pay for your education.

How to Successfully Apply for Scholarships

When applying for scholarships, create a list of scholarships that are a good fit for you, and make sure to review the eligibility requirements and award amount carefully. Make sure you meet all of the requirements before you apply. Follow the application instructions, and pay attention to the deadlines to ensure you are prepared to submit your application well before the deadline.

Start the application process by gathering all necessary documentation, such as transcripts, recommendation letters, essays, and other required materials. Begin filling out applications for the scholarships that you are eligible for, and if necessary, write a strong essay highlighting your achievements and why you are a good candidate for the scholarship. A strong scholarship essay should effectively communicate your achievements, goals, and qualifications to the scholarship committee, as well as highlight why you are a competitive candidate for the scholarship. 

Before beginning your essay, make sure you understand what the committee is looking for and what information you need to include in your essay. Organize your thoughts and ideas before you start writing. Outline your main points and the information you want to include in your essay. Use clear and concise language, and avoid using unnecessary words or jargon. Your essay should be easy to read and understand, and it should convey your message effectively. Use specific examples and details to support your points and show why you are a strong candidate for the scholarship. For example, if you are highlighting your academic achievements, you can mention specific courses or grades you have received. If you are discussing your goals, you can provide details about your plans and how the scholarship will help you achieve them. Proofread your essay carefully before you submit it. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure your essay flows logically and is easy to read.

Submit your application materials well before the deadline, and be sure to keep a copy for your records. Once the application period has closed, wait for the scholarship provider to review and select the recipients. If you are selected as a recipient, follow the instructions provided for accepting and receiving the award.

Continue to search for and apply for additional scholarships to increase your chances of receiving additional financial aid for college.

When to Apply for Scholarships

It is a good idea to start applying for scholarships as soon as possible. This will give you more time to research and find scholarships that are a good fit for you, and it will also give you more time to prepare and submit your applications.

In general, it is best to start looking for non-college-specific scholarships and other forms of financial aid at least a year before you plan to start college. This will give you plenty of time to research and apply for scholarships.

Many scholarships have deadlines for applications, and these deadlines can vary depending on the scholarship and the organization offering it. Some scholarships may have deadlines that are several months in advance, while others may have deadlines that are just a few weeks away. To make sure you don't miss any opportunities, it is important to research and apply for scholarships as early as possible.

In addition, some colleges and universities have early application deadlines for scholarships, which may be earlier than the regular application deadline for admission. If you are interested in applying for scholarships at a particular college, it is a good idea to check with the college's financial aid office to find out about their deadlines and requirements.

Overall, the sooner you start applying for scholarships, the better your chances of finding and obtaining the funding you need to pay for your education.

If you are looking for help finding scholarships or just overall support to help your child conquer the admissions process in a stress-free and productive way, contact North Shore College Consulting today to learn more about our one-on-one, individual college consulting packages.


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